Navigating An Estate Plan

As an attorney myself, I have a deep understanding and interest in assisting in complex and—often times—unique family wealth situations.

Working as a partner with the family and with a client’s legal counsel as they create the wealth plan, we can participate in the review of drafting to ensure that all variables can be appropriately implemented to administration.

The implementation and ongoing administration of wealth planning and transition from generation to generation takes an acute understanding of the requirements of the family, the values of the family and the understanding of the requirements on behalf of each individual.

We understand that when a trusted attorney or financial advisor recommends Washington Trust as a corporate trustee for administration of a family’s planning, it’s their reputation on the line.

Managing complex planning not only requires technical expertise, a high level of communication and an understanding of family wealth dynamics, but also a consideration to confidentiality and sensitivity of issues that may be presented. We understand our role and, as an Administrator working with families, my individual role is to transition the plan of legal counsel to “working” administration and reporting. Washington Trust understands the critical importance and our role as we bring the family legacy forward.

As a family-owned company for over 110 years, our business is preserving and managing family values in wealth management. Our ability to communicate with our clients as a facilitator to family wealth, where many generations are represented and have interest, positions us as an objective and unbiased advisor. Oftentimes this can be a difficult situation initially—the sale of a family business or the death of a family member. Removing the “emotion” of family wealth dynamics and positioning clarity and understanding are key components to why our clients and their legal counsel and financial advisors seek us out.

Washington Trust's innovation to services that are specialized to a family’s requirement, combined with open communication and objectivity, sets us apart in supporting the challenges of family wealth.

See how Wealth Management & Advisory Services at Washington Trust supports the unique needs of families with our proven stability and expertise.

Tim Donnelly, JD
Senior Vice President & Market Leader
  1. 503.778.7060
  2. 760 SW 9th Ave, Ste. 1900
    Portland, OR 97205

As the Wealth Management & Advisory Services market leader in Oregon and western Washington, Tim leads our team of highly credentialed and experienced wealth management advisors. With nearly 20 years of legal and wealth management experience and deep Pacifc Northwest roots, Tim …