What's Your Awesome?

What's Your Awesome? Globe trekking? College? A new home? We can help you get there.

Our awesome is gourmet waffles.

Jeana & Danyelle combined their love of tiny houses, entrepreneurship and gourmet waffles to make a food truck.

My Awesome is mountain unicycling.

Everything Scott does is extreme. Including the way he rides on mountain trails, which is by unicycle. It’s not easy, but the view from the top always makes it worth it.

My awesome is art and family.

Chelsea combined all her favorite things — art, family and lavender — to do what she loves every day.

My awesome is soaring to new heights.

Paragliding takes Tim on new adventures and helps him live life to the fullest.

My awesome is kart racing.

As one who thrives on speed, this Spokane kart racer takes life's twists and turns faster than the rest of us.

My awesome is burgers.

Nate Wolff's passion for good burgers inspired him to create Humble Burger at the Moscow Farmer's Market and as a brick-and-mortar restaurant.

Family is my awesome.

Hector Cruz and his family find their awesome in the simple things like spending time together.